Chickens are living creatures, so unlike tic-tac dispensers, their ability to pop out beautifully formed, healthy eggs are governed by their body’s natural cycle. How often do chickens lay eggs is the result of a complex recipe that includes factors like genetics, feed, age, stress, and even the weather.
Many people assume that if you own chickens, you have an unlimited, lifetime supply of eggs. While some chicken breeds are prolific layers, no hen can lay every day, and there are even some periods when chickens will stop laying entirely. It is good to know what to expect from each breed and provide the ideal environment to keep your girls healthy, happy, and laying for as long as possible.
How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?
As a general rule, chickens lay eggs about once per day when daylight exceeds 14 hours per day and usually lay 250-300 eggs per year depending on their age and breed.
Some breeds of chickens have been specially bred for egg production, so they can produce an astounding number of eggs in optimal conditions. Isa Browns, for example, may not be the showiest chickens around, but they can lay more than 300 eggs a year when in top form.
While the lifespan of most hens is around 6 to 8 years, egg production peaks during the first year and then decreases with each passing year. Chickens at the top of their egg production cycle can lay one egg every 24-26 hours. So each day, you will notice that a hen will go to the nesting box a little later than the day before until she skips a day and starts afresh the next morning.
As a general rule, chickens lay eggs about once per day when daylight exceeds 14 hours per day and usually lay 250-300 eggs per year depending on their age and breed.
Most chicken breeds start laying at around 20 weeks of age – some a little earlier and some a bit later. The first few eggs may be small or a bit wonky, but once a pullet gets the hang of laying, with the proper nutrition and a stress-free environment, it will continue to produce eggs for many years.
Factors That Affect How Often A Chicken Lays Eggs
Just because a chicken could potentially lay in excess of 300 eggs yearly doesn’t mean it will. That would be like saying that all humans could win a medal in the Olympic Games based solely on the fact that we are human. A lot of other factors come into play in determining how many eggs will be produced besides the animal simply being a chicken.
Younger hens will run at maximum production in their first year of lay. Each subsequent year following, egg production will decrease slightly. On the upside, eggs become larger as hens age – pullet eggs can often be very small, especially at the start of laying.
One of the most critical factors affecting egg production is light. Hens cannot lay eggs at night and need a minimum of 14 hours of light to ovulate and produce an egg.
As days shorten ahead of winter, egg production is likely to drop significantly, especially in breeds developed exclusively for commercial production. In commercial settings, artificial lighting is used to stimulate production.
The flip side of this intensive laying process is that hens are considered spent after only around 80 weeks, while on homesteads with good care, chicken owners can enjoy many years of egg production from their chickens. Cold hardy breeds like Buff Orpingtons or Rhode Island Reds often lay consistently, even during winter.
You wouldn’t take a Ford Fiesta to race in Formula 1 or use a Corgi for a police dog. Although all chickens lay eggs, there are significant differences in the number of eggs you can expect from each breed.
Of course, not all chicken breeds are equal when it comes to egg laying and when choosing the right breed, chicken owners need to balance potential egg production with other factors like cold hardiness, temperament, and just plain old good looks. Leghorns have historically been popular egg layers, but they produce white-shelled eggs, are noisy, and rarely become broody. These may not be ideal characteristics for homesteaders who want to build up their flock.
If you specifically want to acquire chickens to lay eggs, there are some excellent tried and tested breeds that can deliver a lot of eggs. However, if you also plan to eat the meat, you should consider a dual-purpose breed that will also provide decent quality meat, like Rhode Island Reds or Sussex.
Chickens that receive a balanced diet containing enough protein and calcium to support egg laying are more likely to produce a consistent supply of eggs. Young chicks should receive grower feed, but when they come into lay at around 20 weeks, they need to be switched to a staple layer that has a much higher calcium content.
As hens age, they will benefit from having additional sources of calcium available. Egg production and quality can be significantly affected by dietary deficiencies.
Check out my article on feeding hens here.
Most breeds lay fewer eggs in winter. This is because the daylight hours are much shorter, and ovulation will only happen if a hen gets 14-16 hours of light daily. Some breeds are more likely to continue to lay consistently throughout the year, but they may not be among the highest egg-producing breeds.
Chickens are incredibly tuned into what is going on around them. Any number of things can cause stress, but common causes are:
- Bullying
- Lack of space
- Inconsistent feeding times
- Boredom
- Predators at night
- Being disturbed while laying
- Heat
- Too many roosters
All of these factors will affect a chicken’s production cycle. So no matter what breed you have, if the hens are feeling stressed, they are unlikely to produce eggs at the expected rate.
During their first year, when young hens are referred to as pullets, the chickens will lay for as long as daylight allows. These young birds are exempt from the annual molt, which signals a break from laying for the older hens.
Molting usually takes place when the weather cools down ahead of winter. Old summer feathers are discarded, and new, warm layers are set down to cope with the cold weather to come. Producing feathers is an extremely protein-heavy exercise, so during the molt, which can last 8 to 12 weeks, older hens usually don’t lay at all.
Do chickens sometimes lay 2 eggs a day?
Did you know that chickens can sometimes lay 2 eggs a day?
That’s right, chickens are capable of laying more than one egg per day, although it is relatively rare. In most cases, chickens will only lay one egg every 24 hours. However, there are some circumstances where a chicken may lay 2 eggs in a single day.
Some experts believe that this phenomenon is linked to the amount of daylight that the chicken is exposed to. Chickens that are kept in conditions where they experience long periods of daylight are more likely to lay 2 eggs in a day than those that are kept in areas with shorter days.
So, if you’re ever lucky enough to find a chicken that lays 2 eggs in a day, you can be sure that you’ve found a real rarity!
how often do chickens lay eggs naturally?
Chickens are amazing creatures that can lay eggs almost every day! In fact, a chicken will typically lay one egg every 24 to 26 hours. This means that a hen can lay anywhere from 240 to 280 eggs in a single year.
However, it is important to note that this number can vary depending on the breed of chicken and the time of year. For example, certain breeds of chicken may only lay eggs during the spring and summer months. Additionally, older chickens usually don’t lay as many eggs as younger ones. Despite these variations, chickens are still able to lay a substantial number of eggs each year. Thanks, chickens!
how often do chickens lay fertilized eggs?
A chicken’s eggs are fertilized when the hen and rooster mate. After fertilization, the egg will be laid by the chicken.
In ideal conditions, a chicken will lay one fertilized egg per day. However, a chicken may occasionally lay two fertilized eggs in the same 24-hour period. In a natural environment, a chicken will continue to lay until she has several eggs in the nest.
Once the nest contains several eggs, the hen will stop laying (go broody) and will sit on them until they hatch.
how often do broiler chickens lay eggs?
Broiler chickens are a special type of chicken that is bred for meat production. These chickens typically reach slaughter weight at around 6 weeks of age.
Due to their rapid growth, broiler chickens have different nutritional needs than other types of chickens. For example, they require more protein in their diet to support their muscle growth. As a result, broiler chickens are typically fed a diet of soy and corn meal and not on a layer feed.
Generally speaking, due to their age at slaughter, they are too young to lay any eggs at all since chickens start laying around 18 weeks of age.
If they are kept to a laying age, broiler chickens typically lay eggs at a rate of between 2-5 per week depending on their breed. However, this can vary depending on the breed and the age of the chicken. Some older chickens may lay fewer eggs, while younger chickens may lay more.
Additionally, the time of year can also affect how often broiler chickens lay eggs. For example, they may lay fewer eggs in the winter months due to the shorter daylight hours.
how often do chickens lay eggs in winter?
Most chickens need about 14 hours of sunlight each day to produce eggs. In the winter, there are only about 9 hours of daylight, so chickens generally don’t lay eggs during this time. However, some chicken breeds are more tolerant of shorter days and can still lay eggs in the winter.
If you’re hoping to get eggs all year round, it’s a good idea to choose a breed that’s known for being a good winter layer. Some of the best winter layers include Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, and Wyandottes. With just a little bit of planning, you can enjoy fresh eggs all year long!
how often do chickens lay double-yolk eggs?
Double-yolk eggs are a fun and interesting occurrence in the chicken world. They happen when two yolks are released into the oviduct at the same time and end up being fertilized (or not) by the rooster, resulting in two yolks being encased in one eggshell.
While double-yolk eggs are a relatively rare occurrence, they tend to happen more often with younger chickens who are just starting to lay eggs. Double yolkers can also be found in older chickens, but this is usually due to hormonal changes rather than age. So, if you’re wondering how often chickens lay double-yolk eggs, the answer is that it depends on the chicken’s age and health. But rest assured, finding a double yolk is always a fun surprise!
Many factors affect how often hens lay. Chickens that are well fed and cared for can lay eggs for many years and be useful and highly entertaining members of the homestead.
David Cameron is a passionate chicken enthusiast. Growing up, he always wanted to be a veterinarian and loved animals. After graduating from veterinary school, David spent over 40 years as an equine veterinarian. He and his wife retired a few years ago and moved to North Carolina. Here, David’s love of chickens grew even more – he now has 7 chickens and 6 quail. If you have any questions about chickens, feel free to reach out.